Setting Goals

As we ring in the new year, many of us find that it's a good time to set some new goals for themselves. Whether that's goals for self-improvement, career, or otherwise, you do you! Take some time to reflect on what went well for you in 2022 and what you hope to achieve in 2023. Here are some of the goals our readers have set for themselves, for some inspiration, and some tips on maintaining your goals this year!

Some tips for maintaining your goals

  • Be specific: Decide on specific goals that are both challenging and achievable. You can go further and create a plan with smaller tasks to guide yourself on how you'll achieve your goals. For example, your goal could be, "I want to read more this year". To make it more specific and attainable, you could change it to, "I will read three books a month".

  • Prioritize: Focus on one goal at a time! Every goal that's set takes time to accomplish so it can be easier to prioritize one and give it your best effort.

  • Deadlines: Stay committed to your goals by setting clear and realistic deadlines. You'll be able to hold yourself accountable and see your progress as you work towards your goals.

  • Reminders: Set regular reminders for yourself! There are plenty of apps and online tools that help with this. If you're more into writing things down, post notes around your work area or home to keep you on track.

  • Reward: Reward yourself for achieving your goal and a job well done! This is a fun way to give yourself something to look forward to and stay motivated.


Check out our latest issue for more goals from our readers and other inspiration on tackling 2023!


Team Member Feature: Janette Tsai


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